Sherig – MoESD


Ministy of Education and Skills Development

Policy and Planning Mandates

Engage in education policy review and formulation in line with national goals and international best practices.

Coordinate and support the formulation and monitoring of the Five-Year Plan, Annual Performance Agreements and Annual Work Plans to achieve strategic objectives.

Facilitate the coordination and preparation of project proposals to secure donor support playing a pivotal role in resource mobilization and allocation through donor missions and periodic planning review meetings.

Publish key documents such as Annual Education Statistics, Education Policy Guidelines and Instructions (EPGI), Annual Government Reports and cross-sectoral studies.

Coordinate with Departments and Divisions on key matters such as Sustainable Development Goals, facilitate communication with key local and international agencies and development partners.

Collection and analysis of key education data and indicators to inform evidence-based decision making.

Media Services

Provide media support services including report/photo/video coverage.

Manage the Ministry’s social media platforms: Sherig Bhutan, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram

Publish the bi-annual Education Newsletter and the Annual Education Calendar.

Liaise with mainstream media.

Provide graphic designing services for the educational publications including felicitations, reports, brochures etc.

Develop, produce and disseminate the Information Education & Communication materials for awareness.

Bhutan National Commission for UNESCO

Foster close liaison between state agencies and services, professional and other associations, universities and other centres of research and education, and other institutions concerned with working for the advancement of education, the sciences, culture, communication and information.

Promote understanding of the objects and purposes of UNESCO among the people of the Kingdom of Bhutan.

Co-operate with the delegations of their respective governments at the General Conference and at other intergovernmental meetings convened by UNESCO, inter alia by preparing the contributions of their governments to the work of these meetings.

Collaborate with other National Commissions for UNESCO, UNESCO field offices, United Nations agencies and other international organisations or development partners in fostering regional, sub-regional and bilateral cooperation in the UNESCO fields of competence particularly through joint formulation and execution of plans and programmes.

Follow the development of UNESCO’s programme and call the attention of the appropriate agencies to the potential benefits of international co-operation.

Encourage, at the national level, interdisciplinary dialogue and co-operation between institutions concerned with education, the sciences, culture and information, with a view to helping to bring intellectual resources to bear on certain priorities for development.

Promote understanding of and support for UNESCO’s mission, values, priorities, actions and programmes at the grassroots level through Associations and Clubs.

Cooperate with organizations and institutions to conduct and manage UNESCO-related projects and activities and to the evaluation thereof.

Monitor and evaluate the progress of UNESCO programmes in Bhutan and report to UNESO head office.

Disseminate information and innovations on the activities of UNESCO.

Policy & Planning Division


Sherab Tenzin

Dy. Chief Planning Officer
Jambayang Drukda

Jamyang Drukda

Dy. Chief Program Officer


Tenzin Choden

Statistical Officer

Tshelthrim Dorji

Asst.Planning Officer

Tshewang Dorji

Sr.Planning Officer


Sr. Administration Assistant

Ugyen Dorji

Project Assistant

Phub Singye Namgay

Asst.Planning Officer

Media Service


Tshering Doma

Dy.Chief Information & Media Officer



Karma Tenzin


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