Sherig – MoESD


Ministy of Education and Skills Development

Department of School Education (DSE)

The Department of School Education is responsible for providing a wholesome education to students through various provisions that emphasize academic excellence, curriculum integration, pedagogy, and assessments that meet the diverse needs of the students.

The school education ensures that the graduates embody compassion, empathy and respect for what every individual brings to the learning experience.

About Us


School Education of Excellence

  • Provide wholesome education to be innovative, creative, and enterprising.
  • Provide educational services and maintenance of service standards.
  • Monitor educational programmes, evaluate and assess performances of education system and adequacy of facilities.
  • Monitor implementation of educational programmes through checks on compliance to education policy and directives.
  • Ensure access to inclusive quality education.
  • Provide support to teachers for continuous enhancement of teaching and learning competencies.
  • Improve health and wellbeing of school children.
  • Enhance access and quality of ECCD program.
  • To strengthen disaster preparedness and response of the education system.
  • Enhance ICT integration in school education system.
  • Enhance Teacher development and support.

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Department of School Education

Motithang, Thimphu





Tender Document
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