Sherig – MoESD


Ministy of Education and Skills Development

Department of Workforce Planning and Skills Development

In November 2022, keeping with the Civil Service Reform initiative, the Department of Workforce Planning and Skills Development (DWPSD) was established, subsuming the Department of Technical Education and the Department of National Human Resource Development under the erstwhile Ministry of Labour and Human Resources (MoLHR). The Department is administratively placed under the Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MoESD). The Department is supported by four divisions: 1. Training Management and Coordination Division (TMCD); 2. Skills Promotion and Liaison Division (SPLD); 3. Workforce Planning and Information Division (WPID); and 4. Technical Trainers Training Resource Centre (TTTRC).

About Us


A nation with competent and adequate skilled workforce for a cohesive and vibrant economy.

To build and sustain a TVET system that produces a work-ready, world-ready and future-ready workforce.

To plan and coordinate the development of a skilled workforce catering to the current and future needs of the economy.

coming soon

  • To provide strategic leadership and direction for the development of a dynamic, responsive and agile TVET system.
  • To contribute to the development of a skilled workforce through the provision of high-quality and relevant lifelong learning and training.
  • To guide workforce planning and development (through TVET) aligned to the needs of the labour market and the economy.

INTEGRITY: a commitment to honesty and ethical behaviour in all aspects of the Department’s work

MOTIVATED: a commitment to drive and determination to achieve results and bring a positive impact in carrying out the missions of the Department

PROFESSIONAL: a commitment to excellence and the highest standard of performance

AGILE: a commitment to being responsive and dynamic to changes and seeking out new and creative approaches to addressing any challenges 

COLLABORATIVE: a commitment to working together and seeking out diverse perspectives in order to achieve common goals

TRANSFORMATIVE: a commitment to work towards the transformation of the skills landscape in the country


Department of Workforce and Planning and Skills Development(DWPSD)

Kawajangsa, Dratshang Building(Garab Khazang Building)

Opposite to National Institute of Zorig Chusum


Training Management and Coordination Division (TMCD)

  • Provide strategic direction and support services to all TVET institutions in the country.
  • Foster and strengthen revenue-generating plans and programs for self-sustaining public TVET.
  • Coordinate with tertiary education stakeholders to integrate TVET and higher education learning pathways for TVET graduates.
  • Provide administration and management support to public TVET institutes.
  • Coordinate recruitment & human resource management of public TVET institutions.
  • Plan, coordinate and implement expansion and augmentation of public TVET institutes.
  • Conduct monitoring and evaluation of public TVET institutes as per M&E guidelines.

Technical Trainers Training and Resource Center (TTTRC)

  • Plan, coordinate and implement professional development and qualification upgradation of TVET trainers and professionals.
  • Promote research and product development activities in TVET institutions.
  • Conduct TVET trainer profiling and identify human resource development gaps.
  • Establish linkages with the regional/international TVET institution for certification of TVET professionals.
  • Develop curriculum and learning resources for the TVET institutes.

Skills Promotion and Liaison Division (SPLD)

  • Plan, coordinate and implement informal, non-formal and community skills development programs.
  • Coordinate and support the integration of skilling programs in the schools.
  • Promote skilling programs through advocacy and promotional activities.
  • Promote linkages and partnerships with industries/institutes at the national, regional, and international levels. 
  • Plan, coordinate and implement TVET scholarship/fellowship for pre-service candidates. 
  • Coordinate and implement in-service HRD for the non-civil service sector.

Workforce Planning and Information Division (WPID)

  • Provide guidance and direction on the skills development needs of the country through short-term, medium-term, and long-term TVET planning.
  • Guide TVET plans and programs through data and intelligence collected from tracers, surveys, studies, and other mechanisms.
  • Conduct regular skills need assessments and identify skills areas through surveys with establishments/jobseekers, consultation/dialogue with industries/sectors, and other mechanisms for skilling and upskilling interventions.
  • Manage, coordinate and administer TVET-MIS to provide dynamic and real-time data and information on skilling intervention and status in the country.
  • Provide data and intelligence on the impact and outcome of TVET plans and program interventions.


As part of the Bhutan Labour Market Information System (BLMIS), the TVET-MIS has been put in place in 2021 with support from the ADB and the World Bank. The system is designed to collect, store, and disseminate data and information on various aspects of TVET in the country. Go to our TVET-MIS page for data and information on TVET in Bhutan.

IC TVET Courses
Accredited TVET Courses

Our Training Programs

National Certificate TVET courses

Our TVET institutes offer TVET programs at different National Certification level. Use the following link to apply.


Institute Certificate courses

TVET courses are also offered at institute level certification. Use the following link to apply.  


Skills Training Program (SDP)

SDP was initiated in 2021 as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Different short-term courses are available for application.


International Students

With effect from 2023, we have started offering TVET courses for international students. Interested international students may apply using the following link.


Our Institutions

While we work with all the private and public TVET establishments in the country, the DWPSD is directly responsible for overseeing the growth and development of ten TVET institutions under our direct administration. These institutions are located in different parts of the country and offer TVET courses in construction, power, zorig chusum, hospitality, agriculture and other trades.  

National Institute for Zorig Chusum

The National Institute for Zorig Chusum (NIZC) is located at Kawajangsa in Thimphu. It was established in 1971 as a premier Institute to preserve and promote traditional arts and crafts of Bhutan. The institute provides different traditional arts and craft programs. 

College of Zorig Chusum

 The College of Zorig Chusum (CZC) was established as the Institute of Zorig Chusum (TIZC) in 1997. The institute is located in Trashiyangtse, Bhutan and offers both certificate and diploma courses in traditional arts and craft. 

Technical Training Institute Thimphu

The Technical Training Institute Thimphu (TTI-T) was established in 2008. The institute provides TVET program for the automobile sector.

Technical Training Institute Chumey

The Technical Training Institute Chumey (TTI-C) is located in Bumthang dzongkhag. Currently, it provides construction-related programs.

Technical Training Institute Samthang

The Technical Training Institute Samthang (TTI-S) was established in 2003. The institute is located in Wangdi Phodrang dzongkhag. Currently, the institute offers heavy vehicle driving and automobile-related courses. 

Techinical Training Institute Rangjung

Technical Training Institute Rangjung (TTI-R) is located in Tashigang dzongkhag. Currently, the institute provides TVET courses in ICT, electrical and other areas. 

Techinical Training Institute Khuruthang

The Technical Training Institute Khuruthang (TTI-K) was established in 2003. The institute is located in Punakha dzongkhag. Currently, it provides training is electrical and mechanical courses. 

Jigme Wangchuck Power Training Institute

Jigme Wangchuck Power Training Institute Dekiling (JWPTI) is located in Gelephu dzongkhag. The institute provides TVET courses for the power and energy sector. 

Rural Development Training Centre

The Rural Development Training Centre (RDTC) is located in Zhemgang dzongkhag. The institute provides training for the agriculture and agriculture-related production sector. 

Royal Institute for Tourism and Hospitality

The Royal Institute for Tourism and Hospitality (RITH) was established in 2003 with support from the Austrian Government. The institute is located in Mothithang, Thimphu and provides both certificate and diploma level courses for tourism and hospitality sector. 

“We must realize that knowledge and skills if not reviewed, will soon become obsolete. We must inculcate in us a culture of lifelong learning… We need to be prepared for the future so that every one of us is equipped with the skills, competencies and experience to succeed and compete in the world. We must give utmost priority to skill, up-skill, and re-skill our people to make them world-ready.”
                                                                                            His Majesty’s National Day address (2021)

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