Oversee and facilitate the national school feeding program.
Ensure timely supply of food items to schools for the smooth functioning of the meals program.
Maintain the quality of the food supplied to schools through timely monitoring in collaboration with the Food Corporation of Bhutan Limited (FCBL).
Look after the nutritional status of students and report to the government on the issues of nutrition and suggest the intervention accordingly.
Provide support to schools to improve the kitchen and storage facilities through the proper mobilization of fund in collaboration with donors and other concerned division(s) of the Ministry.
Conduct annual training to cooks, mess in-charges, focal agriculture teacher (FAT), school health coordinators and principals on improving the diet through the integration of knowledge and skills of health, agriculture, nutrition and WASH in liaison with other agencies like Bhutan Agriculture Food and Regulatory Authority (BAFRA), Ministry of Health, Food Corporation of Bhutan Limited (FCBL) and other relevant agencies.
Ensure functional and reliable source of safe and sufficient water in schools.
Promote and support sufficient and gender segregated toilets.
Promote the functional and strategically located hand-washing stations.
Coordinate and provide facilities that cater to the entire school, including students with disabilities and special needs on menstruation Hygiene management.
Inclusion of hygiene education.
Provision of supplementary activities on hygiene promotion.
Training of School Health Coordinators.
Monitoring of WASH Program in schools.
School Agriculture Program Unit
SAP, DoA, MoAL provides technical and funding supports whereas MoE facilitate and provide administrative support and curriculum materials and monitor the programme regularly in schools.
SAP at the school level implements the programme with integrated approach liaising with the School Feeding, Health & WASH units.
Create awareness among the students on the importance of agriculture in achieving food security, improving health & nutrition status of our students.
Liaise with REC and other relevant agencies in developing the curriculum and training materials and co-facilitate the relevant training, seminars or workshops
Organize/celebrate the important days of agriculture and food related occasions.
School Health Unit
Collaborate with Ministry of Health to facilitate School Health Program in schools.
Oversee and facilitate the School Health Program in schools.
Ensure Annual Health check-up is carried out in all schools across the country.
Ensure micro nutrient supplementation is administered in all schools.
Coordinate with Ministry of Health and facilitate timely vaccination in schools.
Print and supply Student Health Handbook to all PP students.
Collaborate with Ministry of Health and conduct school health coordinators training.
Monitor the outbreak that takes place in schools.
Collaborate with REC to integrate Life Skills Education and Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the formal curricula.
Collaborate with REC to train teachers on the new curriculum.
In collaboration with Ministry of Health, RENEW, NUN Foundation, Dratshang Lhentshog, NCWC, review and revise “The Guidebook for Teachers”.
With support from relevant stakeholder, train teachers on the revised Guidebook for Teachers”.
Monitor the implementation of Life Skills Education and school health program in schools.