Sherig – MoESD


Ministy of Education and Skills Development

Provides youth health and development programmes to nurture and empower youth with necessary values and skills to enable them to cope with emerging challenges and provide avenues for their positive growth.


Providing a wholesome education to students through various provisions that emphasize academic excellence, curriculum integration, pedagogy, and assessments that meet the diverse needs of the students.


Focus and support the education ministry in bringing about improvements in schooling so that students not only fulfil their potentials and meet the international learning standards, but are also better prepared for the world of work.

Monitoring the quality of education and training, awarding and recognition of qualifications in the country, and also certifying and monitoring the practices of the professionals.

Workforce and Training Center

Build and sustain a TVET system that produces a work-ready, world-ready and future-ready workforce. Plan and coordinate the development of a skilled workforce catering to the current and future needs of the economy.


Ensures efficient administration within the Ministry of Education. It manages human resources, policy planning, education monitoring, ICT, and legal services to support the ministry’s goals and enhance the education system.

Strengthen comradeship among its members. Provide cash grants (Semso) to assist members in times of emergencies and distress. Encourage members to save money. Provide small Welfare loans to members requiring such assistance. Invest surplus funds wisely in financially sound projects.

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