- Enhance teacher and education leaders’ quality and standards.
- Provide required professional development programmes for teachers and education leaders in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
Ensure Teacher Quality and Standards
- Regulate the competencies of teachers based on Bhutan Professional Standard for Teachers (BPST).
- Institutionalise and reinforce Professional Learning Community (PLC) in schools through policy directives and mandates.
- Regulate teacher resource centres.
Professional Development Programmes
- Monitor the implementation of National Professional Development Framework and Guidelines.
- Carry out a research-focused approach for identification and development of PD programmes, its delivery and evaluation.
- Strengthen the Teacher Resource Centre (TRC) network.
- Facilitate national orientation/training/seminar/conference for teachers.
- Establish institutional linkages within and abroad for teaching professionals to create vibrant teaching professionals.
- Facilitate NBIP.
- Coordinate competency assessment of the teachers in line with BPST.