Sherig – MoESD


Ministy of Education and Skills Development


The Youth Advocacy Champions Training organised by the Programme and Youth Coordination Division of the Department of Education Programmes was successfully conducted from October 2024 to January 2025 training 120 youth in Paro, Sarpang and Thimphu Dzongkhags through Youth Centres.

This training was built on the Training of Trainers (ToT) held in Kathmandu, Nepal (September 2–6, 2024), where participants were equipped with essential advocacy tools to further train youth advocates. Led by the Division along with two youth facilitators, the training focused on advocacy, leadership and communication skills to empower youth to lead advocacy initiatives in their communities.

Each session spanned three days covering key advocacy strategies and skills to ensure a strong foundation for youth-led advocacy. Beyond skill-building, the training fostered a network of young advocates who will continue mentoring and supporting their peers, creating a ripple effect in their communities in the thematic areas of mental health and climate change. 

The training was supported by UNICEF Bhutan and UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA). 

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