Sherig – MoESD


Ministy of Education and Skills Development


Tenzin Yoedchenma Dorjee, a student from Yangchenphug Higher Secondary School won the 17th Golden Youth Award (GYA) making a significant milestone in her academic journey. Her exceptional performance in literary knowledge, fitness and sports earned her the top spot in the highly competitive national contest.

Milan Sunwar from Sherubling Higher Secondary School in Trongsa claimed the first runner-up title while Kingyel Wangchuk from the Bhutan Football Federation Academy and Euphelma Menza from Gelephu Middle Secondary School in Sarpang secured the second and third runners-up positions respectively. 

As part of their reward, both Tenzin Yoedchenma Dorjee and Milan Sunwar will receive fully funded scholarships to pursue their higher secondary education at United World Colleges (UWC) in Canada and Wales.

Held from March 17 to 23, the competition brought together 80 Class X students including two boys and two girls from each Dzongkhag representing 61 schools across the country. With the theme “Climate Change Innovation,” the event focused on design thinking, spirituality and developing creative solutions to address the challenges of climate change.

During the program, the students planted 508 trees and observed World Water Day reinforcing their commitment to a sustainable future. They also received a Royal Audience with His Majesty The King on March 21. 

Her Majesty Gyalyum Tseyring Pem Wangchuck who initiated the GYA in 2005 graced the award ceremony in Thimphu yesterday. The award aims to nurture young leaders who excel in various fields such as academics, sports, cultural activities, leadership and social contributions. 

Since its inception, over 2,000 students have participated in the program and the Bhutan Youth Development Fund has awarded UWC scholarships to 18 GYA recipients.

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