In the Class VIII Common Examination conducted by Bhutan Council for School Examinations and Assessment (BCSEA) in December 2024, a total of 12887 candidates from 167 Schools (HSS/MSS/LSS) (154 government and 13 private schools) registered and 12767 of them appeared the examination.
The overall pass percentage is 71.32% which is decreased by 4.67% over 75.99% pass percentage of 2023.
National Toppers
1.Deki Seldon, Lhuntse HSS, Lhuntse, 95.80%
2.Jigme Tshultrim Kelzang, Bayling CS, Trashiyangtse, 95.60%
2.Thinley Dradul Jamtsho, Phuentsholing Rigsar HSS, Phuentsholing Thromde, 95.6%
3.Tshering Chezom, Jampeling CS, Trashigang, 94.80%
Individual and School Results
Individual candidates can access their statement of marks from the BCSEA ONLINE
SERVICE ( OR G2C online services ( and also through SMS using their individual index numbers:
– For B-mobile users : Index Number send to 3333
– For Tashi Cell users : Index Number send to 3333
Principals can access the results of their respective schools through online registration system.