Sherig – MoESD


Ministy of Education and Skills Development


In the Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate (BHSEC) Class XII Examination

conducted by Bhutan Council for School Examinations and Assessment (BCSEA) in

December 2024, a total of 9059 candidates from 79 Higher Secondary Schools (70

government and 9 private schools) registered and 8996 of them appeared the examination.

The overall pass percentage is 85.70% which is decreased by 1.39% over 87.09% pass percentage of 2023.

National Toppers

Arts Stream

  1. Pema Tshogyel , Karma Academy, Paro, 89.00%
  2. Jigme Thinley , Jigme Sherubling CS,Trashigang , 84.50%
  3.  Bishnu Maya Powdyel , Desi High School, Thimphu , 84.25%

Commerce Stream

  1. Thinley Dema,Motithang HSS, Thim Throm ,88.50%
  2. Tshoki Wangmo , Desi High School, Thimphu , 86.75%

3.Kinley Hindrup ,Desi High School, Thimphu , 85.25%

3.Dawa Gyeltshen , Karma Academy, Paro , 85.25%

Science Stream

  1. Rigzin Namgay, Ugyen Academy, Punakha , 90.75%
  2. Tandin Garab Dorji , Ugyen Academy, Punakha , 90.00%
  3. Pema Lhaden , Ugyen Academy, Punakha , 89.00%

Individual and School Results

Individual candidates can access their statement of marks from the BCSEA ONLINE

SERVICE ( OR G2C online services

( and also through SMS using their

individual index numbers:

– For B-mobile users : Index Number send to 3333

– For Tashi Cell users : Index Number send to 3333

Principals can access the results of their respective schools through online registration system.

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