An educated and enlightened society of GNH, built and sustained on the unique Bhutanese values of tha dam-tsig ley gju-drey.
Develop sound educational policies that enable the creation of a knowledge-based GNH society.
Provide equitable, inclusive and quality education and lifelong learning opportunities to all children and harness their full potential to become productive citizens.
Equip all children with appropriate knowledge, skills and values to cope with the challenges of the 21st century.
The Ministry of Education presently is focused on achieving the following Objectives:
- To improve relevance and quality of education
- To improve access to and sustainability of education
- To strengthen youth development programme and services
- To enhance adult literacy and lifelong learning
- To ensure full utilization of budget
- To enable effective and efficient ICT Service delivery.
Lyonpo Jai Bir Rai is the present Minister for Education. Under his leadership, the Ministry has embarked on significant educational reforms and initiatives. Some of the initiatives include the following:
Establishment of 60 full-residential schools called central schools aimed at raising the quality of education especially for children who otherwise had to walk to schools for hours daily.
Reviewed the curriculum to align to the needs of the 21st century. The several changes in the curriculum are aimed at enhancing learning from the traditional rote method to critical thinking competencies.
Embarked on important initiative to raise the teacher competency and morale by creating a sustained strategy to provide 80 hours of professional development training every year to all teachers. The ministry also reviewed the teacher workload and decided to work towards engaging teachers for only 18 hours contact teaching a week. The ministry also embarked on an initiative to provide Masters degree to teachers so that every teacher in the future would have a minimum of a Masters qualification.
Introduced drama and performing arts into the school program with the reintroduction of Shakespeare plays in the curriculum. A nation wide drama competition was initiated which culminated to the National drama festival.
Initiated fortified rice program in all feeding schools. The fortified rice which contains 8 minerals and micro nutrients benefits thousands of school children which is now targeted to reach all students in the country.e country.