Bhutan Time Now
Sunday, September 1, 2024

Message for the Teachers’ Day from the Ministry of Education

May 2nd is a very special day as it marks the birth anniversary of the Third Druk Gyalpo Jigme Dorji Wangchuck, which is also celebrated as the Teachers’ Day in Bhutan. This day is dedicated to every single teacher and to celebrate the teaching profession.

Teachers’ Day 2021 holds a particular significance as this year has reminded us the crucial role of teachers in our society. At such an unprecedented time, it is not just the students but also the nation as a whole learned a lot from you. Amidst the many challenges we have faced this year, you have taught us to stay strong and steadfast.
COVID-19 presented a new challenge of online teaching-learning and teaching through the mainstream media, which requires a new skill set. Nevertheless, you have adapted very well to the shift in the platform from classroom-based teaching to online teaching and it was remarkable to observe fellow teachers helping each other to facilitate smooth and continued learning of students. Cross-coaching has been seen predominantly among the teachers as the new teachers helped senior teachers to leverage the ICT in teaching while the senior teachers led younger teachers with effective pedagogy and grooming fidelity towards the profession and Tsa Wa-Sum. Our teachers have never hesitated to go over and above to make sure pupils are able to continue with their learning in a safe and positive environment. In this way, you have accelerated the change in the education fraternity and helped us to realize what a professional camaraderie looks like in action.

Your commendable effort and spirit exhibited during such an extraordinary moment helped us to alleviate the repercussion and ill effect of long term absence from the school due to nation-wide lockdown. In the past year, you have shown a tremendous amount of generosity in assiduousness, conscientiousness, and professionalism due to which the academic year 2020 concluded successfully like any other academic year under normal circumstance.

At some point, the fight against COVID-19 will be over and your collective endeavor and fortitude will go down in history and be part of the legacy as the education system came through the perils unscathed. This resolute spirit portrayed by our teachers will continue to be of immense help to the Ministry of Education in fulfilling the Royal Kasho on the need for Education Reform that was issued from the Golden Throne.

Michael Morpurgo, a celebrated author said, “So often and for so many of us, it is a teacher who changed our lives, was at our side through hard and difficult times, who lifted us up when we were down, helped us find our voice, gave us confidence when we needed it the most, set us on a path that we have followed ever since.” For all these, the Ministry of Education would like to take this opportunity to thank and wish all our teachers a very Happy Teachers’ Day. You all are valued in the profession and you have helped us to believe that the education system will emerge from any crisis stronger than ever and that you will remain united, express solidarity, and be more resilient at all times to come.

A Happy Teachers Day!